CS-Cart AI-content Generator using Chat-GPT


The CS-Cart AI-content Generator using ChatGPT addon helps to quickly create product description and meta data. It has a separate chatbot feature for admin to ask questions to ChatGPT. Also, they can use its voice recognition for easy conversation. Its settings allow modification of character and image limits for generated content. Using just the product name, admin can easily create short and full product descriptions. We are using GPT 3.5 Turbo https://openai.com/pricing


  • AI Content Generator Buttons: Enable the setting to show ChatGPT icon and AI content generator button below description and meta data. 
  • Voice Recognition support: Admins can use the ChatGPT chatbot, which also provides voice recognition for easy interaction.
  • CS-Cart Support Info: The addon is well integrated with CS-Cart Multi-Vendor and can be used with its Standard, Plus, and Ultimate versions.
  • Generate AI Images: It allows the admin to generate AI images. Also they can set specific limits for this functionality.
  • Quick Content Generation: Simple steps to fetch, generate, and use AI content throughout the CS-Cart platform.
  • Regenerate Content: It allows the admin to regenerate the product description, meta title etc.  
  • SEO Optimization: Quickly create titles, descriptions, and keywords to improve search engine results. 
  • Existing and New Product: The Addon works in both existing and new products as well as categories.
  • Powered by GPT-3.5 Turbo AI: Uses GPT-3.5 Turbo AI to quickly make product descriptions and meta information, This makes content creation faster and better.


How to Install Addon 


How Addon Works

Settings explanation of this addon

  • AI Content generator: Enable this to show ChatGPT icon and AI content generator button below description and Meta data.  
  • GPT-3 API Key: Enter the API key of ChatGPT to run the ChatGPT chatbot and for generating AI content. 
  • Meta Title Character limit: Set the character Limit of Meta title generated by AI.
  • Meta description Character limit: Set Character limit of Meta description generated by AI.
  • Meta keywords character phrases: Set the character limit of meta keywords generated by AI.
  • Short description character limit: Set the character limit of short description generated by AI.
  • Full description character limit: Set the character limit of full description generated by AI.
  • Show image limit: Set the image limit which will be generated by AI.
  • ChatGPT icon: To chat with ChatGPT, click on this >> ChatGPT icon.

Main settings of this ChatGPT addon

Clicking on the ChatGPT icon will provide the chatbot. Here the ChatGPT user can ask questions or chat with AI tool ChatGPT. At the corner, this chatbot also provides the voice recognition feature. 

Chatbot at the corner for admin

Let’s see how these settings work

Go to >> Products Menu.

Click on >> Products

Products within products menu
  • To generate AI text, you can choose any existing product or create a new product.
  • For generating AI text for a new product,  click on >> (+).
Choose any product from the list for AI content
  • Below page of the product allows the admin to add AI-generated text only in the Full Description and Short Description fields.
  • In the General Tab, click on the >> Fetch AI Content button.

General tab in single product page in admin panel

  • The description will be generated based on the product name and only the admin can edit this content. 
  • If the admin sets the limit in the settings tab, it will function here to provide the specified number of words or images. Also, the admin has the ability to add or delete words as desired.
  • Now click on >> Generate AI
Full description pop window with generate AI button

  • Below you can see the full description of the product generated by AI. 
  • Regenerate:  Click on the regenerate button if you want to recreate the full description.
  • Use this Content: Click on the “use this content” button to show this full description in product information page.
Full description with regenerate and Use this content button
  • Full description generated by AI in the main page of product information.

Full description generated by AI

Generating images using AI

  • Enter the subject of the picture, choose image size and then click on the “Search” Button. 
  • Once you see the image you want, click the >> "Add image" button, and it will be added to the picture section.
  • At the end, click on >> Save button.

AI generated images

Short description AI generated content 

  • Admin can click on 'Fetch AI Content' to get a short description of this product. Further steps are similar to those mentioned above in full description. 

Fetch AI content button

SEO Meta data Creation Using Fetch AI

  • Switch to >> SEO Tab
  • Here, the admin can use the "Fetch AI Content" button to generate AI MetaData content.

Let's find out what happens when we click on these “Fetch AI” content buttons

Fetch AI button within SEO

Page Title 

Click on page title >> Fetch AI Content button.

Then click on >> Generate AI.

Meta title pop-up window with generate AI button

You can use the "Regenerate" button to recreate the title and press the “Use this content” button to use the generated title.

Page with use this content and Regenerate button

Meta description

  • Click on Meta description >> Fetch AI Content button.
  • Then click on >> Generate AI.
Generate AI button within meta description
  • Below you can see the meta description.
  • Then, click on >> Use this Content

meta description Regenerate and Use this content button

Meta Keywords 

Click on Meta Keywords’ >> Fetch AI Content button.

Then click on >> Generate Button. 

Generate AI button
  • Below you can see Meta Keywords.
  • Then Click on >> Use this content
Meta Keywords

Now you can see complete meta data that is generated by AI.

At the end, click on >> Save button.

Meta data AI generated contentCreating Description and Meta Data for the Category Page

Again go to >> Products

Then click on >> Categories 

Categories within products

  • Admin can generate AI description and meta data in existing categories or in new categories.
  • Click on the >> (+) icon if you want to create a new category. 

Existing Categories list for changing AI content within it

Category description

To get a description of this category click on >> Fetch AI Content button.

With Fetch button get description of this addon

Click on >> Generate AI

Generate AI button

Now the category description has been created. Admin can regenerate it and use the generated content. 

Click on >> Use this Content

Generate this and use the content button
  • Category description generated by AI

Category description generated by AI

Category page meta description

  • Click on each "Fetch AI Content" button one by one to gather AI Meta data for this category. Once you click on a button, follow the same steps we previously completed like click on generate AI button, can use regenerate button and Use this content button.
Meta data with Fetch AI button
  • Here is the meta data for this category. 
  • At the end, click on >> Save Button.
Meta data for this category



Supported Versions:

CS-Cart, CS-Cart Multivendor 4.8.x, 4.9.x,4.10x,4.11x,4.12,4.13x, 4.14x, 4.15x, 4.16x, 4.17x, 4.18x


This app is developed and published by Ecarter Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a CS-Cart developer. You are guaranteed quality add-ons.