CS-Cart Payment Restrictions Addon

This addon allows the admin to restrict payment methods from the backend, with this addon admin can restrict particular payment methodscurrency-based restriction and order-based restriction.

In the currency-based restriction, the admin can set/select the currency in which only that particular payment method is applicable for payment at the store, whereas in the Order-based restriction the admin can set a minimum and maximum order total in which that the particular payment method is applicable for payment.


  • Feature to allow admin to restrict payment method from the backend.
  • Feature to allow admin to restrict payment method via currency-based restriction and order-based restriction.
  • Feature to set and unset multiple currencies to restrict payment method.
  • Feature to set minimum and maximum order total to restrict payment method.
  • Feature to enable/disable currency-based restriction and order-based restriction.
  • Well-integrated with CS-Cart, CS-Cart Multivendor.


Where and how to restrict payment methods:

Step1: Choose any payment method to restrict payment:

Step2: Enable currency restriction in currency-based restriction and select currencies:

Step3: Enable order total limitation in order-based restriction and set minimum and maximum order total value.

Step 4: Select one of the enabled currencies in currency-based restriction and try to checkout. (in this case, I choose GH₵ which is one of the enabled/selected currency in currency-based restriction)

As you can see below the screenshot the paystack payment method is applicable for payment.

Step 5: Select one of the disabled currencies in currency-based restriction and try to checkout. (in this case, I choose GBP which is one of the disabled/deselected currencies in currency-based restriction)

As you can see below the screenshot the paystack payment method is not applicable for payment.

Step 6: As you can see in the below screenshot, Try to checkout with greater than max order total value. As you can see here the paystack payment is not applicable because the order total value is greater than the set order total maximum value in order-based restriction. 

Step 7:As you can see in the below screenshot, Try to checkout with less than the minimum order total value. As you can see here the paystack payment is not applicable because the order total value is less than the set order total minimum value in order-based restriction. 

Tutorial Link:




Supported Versions:

CS-Cart, CS-Cart Multivendor 4.8.x, 4.9.x,4.10x,4.11x,4.12,4.13x, 4.14x, 4.15x, 4.16x, 4.17x, 4.18x


This add-on is developed and published by Ecarter Technologies Pvt.Ltd., a CS-Cart developer. You are guaranteed a quality add-on supported by future versions. If you need help, please contact us via email at support@ecarter.co.