CS-Cart Request For Quotation


CS-Cart Request For Quotation

The Quotation Request Addon enables customers to request price quotes for store products. It facilitates communication between customers and admin/vendor for price negotiation. The admin/vendor can accept, reject, or request a price update for the quoted product. Both the admin/vendor and the buyer can track the status from their respective profiles.

This addon comes with additional features such as file attachment, the ability to resend a quote, and the option to include multiple products in a single quote. These features enhance the customer's shopping experience by providing convenient options for making their desired purchases.


  • Request Quote for Product: This feature allows customers to create product quotes, providing them the flexibility to request specific prices or negotiate with the admin/vendor.
  • Custom Quote Requests: Custom quote feature allowing customers to connect with admin/vendor without selecting specific products. 
  • Vendor Plan Support: Admin/Vendors can take the benefits of the RFQ feature by choosing a vendor plan.
  • Close Chats Automatically: Close chats feature automatically disables chats between admin/vendor and customers if the quote is rejected and stops further product purchases.
  • Attach files to Quote: This addon allows customers to attach files when requesting a product quote.
  • Accept, Reject or Negotiate: Admins/vendors can either accept or reject quoted prices, or they can start negotiations by asking customers for updated price offers.
  • Quote for Out-of-Stock Products: Display the quote button even for out-of-stock products. This ensures customers can request quotes for unavailable items.
  • Resend Quotes: Resend quote feature allows customers to resend similar quotes. This provides ease in the ordering process.
  • Edit product prices: Allow customers to edit product prices when sending a quote.
  • Quote for Multiple Products: Multiple products in a single quote helps customers to quote once for different products.
  • CS-Cart Support Info: The addon is well integrated with CS-Cart Multi-Vendor and can be used with its Standard, Plus, and Ultimate versions.


How to Install Addon


How Addon Works

General tab information

Explanation of Settings tab 

Switch to >> Settings Tab

  • Enable user to create Quote: Enable this setting to allow customers to create quotes. 
  • Enable user to create Custom Quote: This will help users to send quote requests and connect with admin/vendor without selecting any specific product. Enabling this setting will provide the “Create custom Quote” option in the storefront. 
  • Close chat when quote rejected: Enabling this feature will automatically disable chats between the admin/vendor and the customer if the quote is rejected. In such cases, customers won't be able to purchase the product.
  • Allow to attach files with quote:  Enabling this feature will allow customers to attach any file they wish to share with the admin when requesting a product quote.
  • Allow to resend quotes: This feature will help customers to resend similar quote. You will get this option in the order details page of the product only after completing one purchase.

Settings explanation page 1

  • Quote Limit Days - Hours: Using this feature, admin/vendor sets the time that takes effect after accepting the quote for buying the product. 
  • Allow edit product price: Enable this to allow customers to edit the product price at the time of sending a quote. 
  • Allow to show customer details at quote view page: Enable this to allow a vendor to see the customer details who sent the quote. Vendors can see these details at the vendor panel by clicking on Quotation. 
  • Show Quote button when product is out of stock: Enable this to show quote button even if the product is out of stock.
Settings explanation page 2

Introducing the visibility of ‘Add Product to Quote’ button 

  • Go to >> Vendors
  • Click on >> Vendor Plans

Add Product to Quote with vendor plan

  • Click on any >> Vendor Plan

Vendor plan page

Here we have selected Gold vendor plan 

  • Admin/Vendors can take the benefits of RFQ only by selecting a Vendor plan.
  • In this page you can see the enable RFQ option. Enabling this shows the “ADD PRODUCT TO QUOTE” button next to “Add to Cart” only for products that fall  under the selected vendor plan. 
  • Then, click on >> Save Button
Gold vendor plan
  • Again, Go to >> Vendors
  • Click on >> Vendors
Vendors menu
  • Click on any >> Vendor Name.
  • Here we have selected CS-cart 
Select any vendor name

  • Here, first go to >> Plan
  • Select Gold plan as we have enabled its RFQ before.
Gold plan as we have enabled its RFQ before

  • Switch to >> Add-ons
  • Now you can see the enable RFQ option here as well. Enabling this RFQ will display an “Add Product to Quote” button next to products that belong to this selected vendor and match the vendor plan we have enabled before.
  • Click on >> Save Button

RFQ will display an Add Product to Quote button

Let’s see how customer use this feature in the storefront 

Go to >> Storefront


Select any Product

Customer can select any product><br></p>
<ul><li>Click on >><b> Add to cart</b></li><li>Press >> <b>Add Product to Quote</b> Button</li></ul>
<figure><img src=

  • A pop-up window has opened with the details to add the product to the quote.
  • By clicking on (+) and (-) customers can increase or decrease the quantity. 
  • Select Quote: Select add into new quote for adding new quote.
  • Product Price: Enter the price at which the customer wished to purchase this product. This option is visible as admin enabled the “Allow edit product price” setting.
  • Quote Title: Enter the main Quote title here, if the customer wants to create a new quote.

Note: For a new product quote, choose "Add into new quote" and enter a title. To add a product to an existing quote, select a quote from the dropdown by clicking the down arrow.

Add quantity, product price
  • The customer will receive a notice confirming that the product has been added to the quote.
notification page

  • Go to >> My Account 
  • Click on >> Quotation
My account with Quotation></figure>
<ul><li>Here you can see the requests of product quote with customer details like customers ID, Quote, Status and date with time. </li><li>There is an Open button at the corner with a dropdown arrow. By clicking on this customer can search requests for product quote. </li><li>At the end, click on >> Send button to send the request of quote to the admin and vendor.</li></ul>
<figure><img src=

Search request of quote

search quote here

  • After clicking the send button, a pop window will be opened.
  • Customers can change the quantity and price of the quote product. 
  • They can click on "Recalculate" to determine the price based on the product quantity entered.
  • They can attach files related to the quote product that they want to share with the admin/vendor.
  • At the end, click on >> Send to Vendor
Pop window with send to vendor button
  • Customer gets notice of “Quote has been sent” to admin/vendor.
  • Now click on customer >> ID.
Notification page
  • You will see the order details page with customer information.
  • Also, the changed status to “Sent to vendor”.
This page shows information of customer
  • In the admin panel, Go to the >> Orders menu.
  • Click on >> Quotation.

Click on Quote page

Quote ID and Open the request page

On this details page, the admin can review all customer-related information.

  • The admin can open the attached files sent by the customer.
  • Ask for Price Update: If the admin does not agree with the price provided by the customer and wants to update it, they can click on "Ask for Price Update" for product price negotiation.
  • Accept Quote: If the admin agrees with the price, they can simply click on "Accept Quote," and the customer can proceed to purchase the product at that price.
  • Reject Quote: If the admin does not agree with the price, they can click on "Reject Quote”. After rejection, customers can only buy this product at store product price.
Product related attached files with three main button></figure>
<p><b>Let’s click on “Ask for Price update” to see the results</b></p>
<ul><li>Below you can see the order status has changed to Asked for a priced update.</li></ul>
<figure><img src=

  • Order status is also updated on the storefront, allowing the customer to view the status.
  • Click on >> Id to get information about this quote.
Allow the customer to view information of customer and status></p>
<p><b>About Discussions and logs page</b></p>
<p><b>Discussions</b>: This page displays the conversation between the admin/vendor and the customer, presenting it in a chat form.</p>
<ul><li>Below, you will find a message from the admin asking for the customer to update the price.</li><li>The discussions page features a message box in both the storefront and the admin panel.</li><li>In the storefront discussions page, this also provides an upload file option for the customer. </li><li>Click on >> Resend the quote price to update and resend the quote price.
<p><b>Logs</b>: In the “logs” page of admin/vendor and customer you can view the details of the chats happening in discussions page between these two, but they won’t be able to type messages here.</p>
<figure><img src=

  • After clicking on “Resend Quote Price” in the discussions page, the customer will see a pop window.
  • Update product quote price.  
  • Then, click on >> Resend Quote Price.
Resend quote price

  • In the admin panel’s details page, the status has been updated to “Price Resend”.
  • Here the admin will choose one option from “accept” and “reject” this update.
  • Accept: Admin accepts this if satisfied with the quote updated price by the customer. However this acceptance will again show the button for “Resend Quote Price”
  • Reject: If the admin is not satisfied with the updated price, then they can directly reject it.
  • Let’s click on “Accept” to see the result.

updated status with price update

  • Now, click on >> Update button
update button
  • You can see the status has been updated to “Price Accepted”.
  • Switch to >> Discussions tab.
  • In this page, you can see “Resent Quote Price” from the customer message of accepted quote request. Also, the message typed by admin.
  • Click on >> Send button after typing message.
Price accepted button with Discussions tab
  • On the customer discussion page, you will find two buttons: "Buy Now" and "Resend Quote Price."
  • If the customer wishes to change the quote price again, they can click on “Resend Quote Price”.  
  • You can see the message sent by the admin.
  • Click on >> Buy Now to buy this product at the updated price.

Buy Now and Resend Quote button

  • Click on >> Proceed to Checkout
Proceed to checkout

Now, you can see the "Checkout Page".

Checkout Page

  • Click on >> Phone Ordering 
  • Tick both terms and conditions boxes.
  • Click on >> Place order.

Phone ordering and place order buttons
  • If the updated price for the quoted product is rejected by the admin, you will see the status as “Rejected”.
  • The customer receives a rejection message and will not be able to purchase this product at this quote product price. They can only buy the product at store product price. 
  • Additionally, the further type message option is disabled as the admin has enabled the ‘Close Chats’ option in the settings which works when the quote is rejected. 
Status rejected
  • Understanding how ‘Accepting’ and ‘Rejecting’ works after the initial Quote
  • Admin clicks on >> Accept Quote if they agree with the requested quote.
Work of accept quote button

  • Accepting quote after first quote will provide customers two options “Buy” and “Resend Quote Price”.
  • The customer can buy the product at the quoted price, as the admin has accepted the request. 
  • If the customer wants to negotiate more quote price, they can resend the quote price and engage in further discussion by typing a message below.

Press buy now or resend quote button

Click on >> Reject quote

Reject Quote Button
  • In the admin panel, Switch to >> Discussions tab
  • Here you can see the message of the quote has been rejected, and the admin/vendor cannot engage in further chats as well.
Rejected Quote page
  • Go to >> Discussions tab in storefront
  • Here you can see the last message from the admin stating ‘Quote Rejected’, and now the customer also unable to type the message. 
Discussion tab in storefront

Resend Quote Feature 

Click on >> View of the  purchased product in the quotation page of customer.

Customer quotation page

Click on >> Resend this quote.

Resend this quote
  • Customer gets notification of quote has been resubmitted to admin/vendor.
Quote has been resubmitted
  • Go to >> Orders menu
  • Click on >> Quotation 
Orders menu provide quotation

Here you can find that the admin has received the quote request with a new quote ID for the Resent quote. Click on it to view the details.

New Quote IDThis is the page where the admin can initiate the same process as they do for other quoted products. 

Page where admin can initiate the same process

Multiple products in a single quote 

  • To include multiple products in a single quote, customers can either select an existing quote or create a new quote title.
  • Then, click on >> Add product to Quote.
  • Same way select multiple products in the same quote. 
Include multiple products in single quote
  • Go to >> My Account 
  • Click on Quotation

My account with quotation page

Click on >> Send button

Customer quotation page with send button

  • Now you can see multiple products in a single quote “Camera”.
  • By clicking on the close button, customers can remove the product.
  • Then, click on >> Send to Vendor
  • Further steps are similar as those for other orders after sending quote requests to admin/vendor.
Multiple products in single quote

Custom Quote feature

If the custom quote option is enabled in above Quotation settings, customers can connect with the admin/vendor without selecting any product. Following below steps: 

  • Go to >> My Account 
  • Click on >> Create Custom Quote 

Create custom quote option

  • Select >> Company
  • Type >> Quote Title 
  • Increase or decrease product quantity 
  • Type>> Price of Quote 
  • Attach any file.
  • Now, Click on >> Send to Vendor
fill the page with custom quote asked points
  • To view this specific quote order, Go to "Orders," then navigate to "Quotations," and finally, click on the Quote ID.
  • With the same process the admin does for others, now customer can communicate with the admin/vendor without selecting any product for order. Also, Quote price will be deducted if the customer buys this customer quote.

Custom quote in admin panel



Supported Versions:

CS-Cart, CS-Cart Multivendor 4.8.x, 4.9.x,4.10x,4.11x,4.12,4.13x, 4.14x, 4.15x, 4.16x, 4.17x, 4.18x


This app is developed and published by Ecarter Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a CS-Cart developer. You are guaranteed quality add-ons.