The Ecarter Vendor App allows vendors to manage their CS-Cart vendor panel from their phones or tablets. Simply install the app, log in with your vendor ID and password, and start managing your vendor panel easily. With this app, you can change order statuses, add products, and adjust settings. It’s a handy tool that makes managing your vendor tasks simple and efficient from your mobile device.
1.1 Features
Well integrated with the existing CS-Cart multi-vendor store.
Vendors can easily manage products: add, delete, edit, update, and search.
The app allows to access all sales statistics through the dashboard: income, sales, current balance, and product inventory.
Vendor can see orders and manage their statuses using this app.
Vendor can update personal and company profiles within the app.
App Supports multiple languages. User can select one of them.
The app provides a feature of contact using WhatsApp.
The app user gets notifications related to order statuses and admin updates.
The app user can view the available balance in My Wallet.
1.2 Benefits
Manage the Vendor Panel on mobile easily.
Easy to access and use.
User-friendly interface for a smooth experience.
1.3 Ecarter App addon settings
Admin can set iOS/Android API version from addons settings.
Admin can set mandatory app updates from addons settings.
Admin can set WhatsApp redirect link and update contact number in addon settings.
2. Admin Panel Screens
The admin panel allows the admin to control various main settings of the Vendor app, such as sending notifications and more. Here you see how they can adjust these settings.
2.1 Access the App addon
The General tab shows the “items for menu”. This has the link for directly accessing the application.
2.2 Send Notification to vendor app
The “items for menu” link takes you to the page where you can enter the notification content and send it to the vendor app users’ phones.
Title: This allows the admin to enter the title of the notification.
Content: In this field, the admin can enter the content of the notification.
2.3 Main settings of the app in the Admin panel
Next to the general tab is the “settings tab”. Here, the admin can set all the main settings needed to run the app properly.
Access Key: This access key is like a secret code that helps APIs talk to each other securely.
Firebase Server key: This Firebase server key helps the backend send notifications to your mobile app.
WhatsApp redirect link: When a vendor clicks on the WhatsApp icon, this redirect link takes them to the business’s WhatsApp profile.
Help Vendor Link: This link opens the FAQ page for vendors within the app when users click “Help US”.
Contact Phone number: This contact number helps vendors to directly contact the admin.
Order Statuses that is allowed in app to show: Choose order statuses to show orders with their current status in the app.
3.Mobile App Screens
3.1 Splash Screen with more information
The splash screen is the first page you see when you open the app. It also shows the company’s logo and name while the page loads.
Next, the screen provides options to select any specific preferred language for the app.
The third screen has two options: “Login” for existing users to enter their registered details, and "Signup" for new users to register.
3.2 Login & Signup pages
Login: Selecting the login option above opens this page. Here, existing users can access their accounts by entering their user ID and password.
Sign-up: New users of the app can sign up by choosing the sign-up option. During registration, they need to enter details such as company name, tax number, first and last name, and other required information.
3.3 Navigation drawer
In the app’s top corner, you will find a navigation drawer. This shows the list of important features like My Profile, company profile, Chat, language settings, My Wallet, etc. Detailed information about these features is provided below.
My profile
This page provides basic details such as user account information and contact details. It includes account information like email address, password, preferred language, and contact information such as first and last name, and phone number.
Company Profile
In this section, there are two tabs: General and Logos. The General tab shows basic company information such as name, tax number, email, country, state, and zipcode. The Logos tab showcases the company’s logo.
This shows chats between the customer and the vendor. Customers can send messages directly to vendors from the storefront.
Change language
This feature allows users to select their preferred language for the app.
My Wallet
Using the My Wallet, the vendor can check their available balance.
3.3.1 Reach out to us
When a vendor clicks on the WhatsApp icon, it will take them to the business's WhatsApp profile.
This option provides support to users when needed with FAQ page.
Contact US
The user can use this to get the contact number of the admin.
Sign Out
This sign-out function in the app allows user to securely exit their account.
4. Home Screen
The home button at the bottom corner allows the vendor to access the dashboard. They can view sales statistics like income, sales, current balance, active products, taxes, and product inventory. They can also select a date range to view information from a specific date using two calendar icons.
5. Products
5.1 Product List Page
Next to the Home button, the vendor can find the "Products" option. Clicking here allows the vendor to see all added products. In this page, the vendor can also add new products, edit or delete existing products, and search or filter any specific products.
5.2 Add New Product
By using the (+) icon located at the bottom corner of the products page, vendors can easily add new products. The page allows to add some information tabs such as product general details, images, shipping details, add-ons, features, and product variations.
General: In this, the vendor can add product names, categories, prices, some option settings, pricing/inventory, and extra settings.
Images: This allows to add the image of the products.
Shipping properties: This allows the vendor to add details like weight, free shipping options, shipping costs, minimum and maximum items per box, and the box's dimensions (length, width, and height).
Add-ons: This option with bestselling shows the sales amount, while the comments and reviews allow the vendor to provide any one option from communication and rating, or both, and Disabled for rating and comments for customers.
5.3 Edit Product
When editing a product, you will find similar tabs like those used for adding products. However, there are additional tabs like options and features. Let’s select a product and see its function.
Options are used to add extra features to products. In the app, vendors can create options using the (+) icon in the bottom corner. The plus icon shows a list of types with different icons. Selecting any of these types allows the vendor to fill in the details to create a new option.
Addition of Option
You can select one of the three types above. Each shows the same page with a different type chosen. Simply fill in details like option name, code, position, inventory, description, comments, and choose whether it's required or not.
Selecting the next two types (Text or Text area) shows three additional fields to fill in: RegExp, Inner hint, and Incorrect filling message. RegExp requires a message for wrong input. Inner hint guides what to type. The incorrect filling message shows if the format is wrong.
If the vendor selects the last type “file”, this provides two fields: “Allowed extensions” and “max file size”. Here, the vendor can enter which file types users can upload and set a limit on file size, or allow any size. Additionally, the last point in the form, which shows “Multiupload”, allows the vendor to select either “Yes” or “No” for uploading multiple files.
Variant within the options
Choosing a Select box, Radio group, or Check box type allows the vendor to create variants within options. They have to fill in all the details provided below:
Position: Where to put this variant is in the list.
Name: The name of the variant, like Small, Medium, or Large for sizes.
Modifier/Type: How much the variant changes the product price, either in an amount or a percentage.
Weight Modifier/Type: How much the variant changes the product weight.
Status: If the variant is Active or Disabled
In the product editing section, there’s a “Features” tab where vendors can add specific details about their products, such as a smartphone's battery life or storage capacity. The page shows various groups such as Electronics, Main Features, Specifications, Multimedia, Interfaces, Additional Info, Dimensions, and Extra Fields. Vendors can open these groups and select features based on their products, such as adding storage capacity from the provided list.
6. Orders
Order list page with Status Selection
The “Orders” section in the bottom menu shows a list of orders. Vendors can manage all orders and update their status as needed.
7. Settings menu
You can see the settings menu list just like the Navigation drawer, which includes options such as My profile, company profile, chat, change language, and more.