Ecarter Vendor App provides the facility to access your Cs-Cart vendor panel using mobile, to access your vendor panel simply you just need to install Ecarter Vendor App in your mobile devices and you can start managing your vendor panel by login with your vendor user-id and password.
Note: This setting is only applicable for the admin of the store.
Note: Only Admin can send notifications to vendors from here.
Screenshots of push notifications on frontend:
Img a: vendor change order status notification Img b: vendor get notify by the admin of the store
Img a: vendor gets notified through a push notification whenever he changes the order statuses of any order.
Img b: in the second screenshot vendors get notified by the admin of the store related to the republic day sales.
The launching screen of the app can be amended from the code end and will appear to the users as they open up the app. Thus, helping the app owner to introduce the app or organization in a better way.
Image 1.1: splash screen
After Splash Screen Users can choose a language for processing App in a particular selected language.
Image 1.2: Choose a language for processing app
After selecting language the app will be processed for use and there are two options on the app user screen.
Img 1.3 Login/Register Screen
Registration: Click on register, the user can fill in contact information and company details for registration. As you can see in the screenshots (Img 1.4: Registration) a registration popup message appeared after a successful registration.
Img 1.4: Registration
LOGIN: Click on login then enter User Name and Password then click on login.
Img 1.5: Login
The homepage of the app is divided into two sections-
Image 2: Dashboard/Homepage
Image 3.2: Search Products
Image 3.2: Search Products: Here you can see a magnifier which is also known as a search button user can click on that for a search product by just entering keywords like product name, product id. This makes easier whatever you want to find.
Img 3.3.1 :add product: add general info
Image 3.3.1:add product: add general info: Whenever vendor/user want to add new products just click on the add button(+) and enter the details like information(product name, categories of products, price), options settings, pricing inventory(like products code, stock unit, list price), availability( like assign user group, available date, the creation date of products) and in extra field, user can add search words for products, promo text).
Image 3.3.2: add the product: add image
Image 3.3.2: add the product: add an image: in this section of adding a new product, users can add multiple images for their products from their phone gallery, they can also click and upload images. Like as you can see in the screenshot.
Image 3.3.3: add the product: shipping properties Img 3.3.4: add the product: add addons
Image 3.3.3: add the product: shipping properties: in this section of adding new products, users can add shipping properties of their product like, the weight of products, shipping methods, box contain items, etc.
Image 3.3.4: add the product: add addons: after that in this section of adding new products, users can manage add-ons settings for their products.
Edit products: as you can see in the below screenshots-
Image 3.4.1: edit product: General info. Image 3.4.2: edit product: image
Img 3.4.3: edit product:option
Img 3.4.4: edit product:shipping properties Img 3.4.5: edit product: add-ons
Image 3.4.6: edit product: features
Img 3.5.1 :Delete product: select product for Img 3.5.2: Delete product : Confirmation yes for
delete Delete / No for cancel.
Image 3.5.3:Delete Products: Successfully delete
Delete Products: as you can see in the above screenshots for how a user can delete products that are added by simply click on the delete button and choose products which he wants to delete and then click on delete, the delete confirmation popup alert appears for confirmation of delete products, user can choose yes or no. if choose yes then the product is deleted and a popup message appears with products delete successfully. In case if he chooses no then it takes one step back to users.
Img 4.1: ordes : see all orders Img 4.2 orders : open order
Image 4.3: Orders : Change order status Img 4.4 : Orders: Order status Changed
Image 4.3: Orders: Change order status: as you can see in the above screenshots there are all statuses given, users can simply choose any one of these according to current order status.
Image 4.4 : Orders: Order status Changed: as you can see in the above screenshots after changed the order status of the product a popup will appear which means the status of the order has been changed. And as you can see in this image, vendors also get a push notifications for the order status change.
Image 5.1: Settings: Settings Navigation Img 5.2: Settings: View/Edit My Profile
Image 5.3: Settings: View/Edit Company profile Img 5.4: Settings: Change Language
Image 5.2: Settings: View/Edit My Profile: as you can see from the above screenshots with this option users can view/edit their profile like user account information and contact information (email and password).
Image 5.3: Settings: View/Edit Company profile: as you can see from the above screenshots with this option users can view/edit company profile like name, type of the company, contact information of the company.
Image 5.4: Settings: Change Language: as you can see in the above screenshots with this option users can change the language of the app in which he wants to process the app.
Img 5.5: Settings: redirect to Whatsapp Img 5.6 : Settings: Help
Img 5.6 : Settings: Help Img 5.7: Settings: Logout
Image 5.5: Settings: redirect to Whatsapp: As you see in the above screenshots user can directly contact the storefront admin through this WhatsApp redirect link.
Image 5.6 : Settings: Help: As you see in the above screenshots user can reach out to the storefront contact page.
Image 5.7: Settings: Logout: As you see in the above screenshots user can log out from their registered account just by clicking ok on the logout alert.
After Logout user can be reached at the login page of the app as you can see in the below screenshot-
Img: 6 : After logout