CS-Cart Convert Reward points to Wallet Cash

The addon provides functionality to convert Reward points into wallet cash. sometimes users have many reward points at their store account but they don't have any option to use that reward points so this addon is very useful in that case for your store user they can easily convert their reward points into wallet cash and use that wallet cash for purchasing. 

Note: This add-on is dependent on two more addons that are CS-Cart Reward Points and Ecarter: CS-Cart Wallet Addon.


  • Easily integrate with CS-Cart, CS-Cart Multivendor, CS-Cart Multivendor Ultimate.
  • Feature to convert reward points into wallet cash very easily.
  • Store admin can set conversion rates for reward points.
  • Feature to enable and disable conversion reward points into wallet cash.

Addon Dependencies:

CS-Cart Reward Points, Ecarter: CS-Cart Wallet Addon.


Installing Addon:

Addon Settings:

Set User-Privileges From Here:

Manage Reward Points Conversion settings from admin panel:

What User Can see:

How users can Convert Reward Points into wallet cash:

Enter Reward points for conversion then click on convert:

Transaction Details:

See Reward Points log:

Tutorial Video:



Supported Versions:

CS-Cart, CS-Cart Multivendor 4.8.x, 4.9.x,4.10x,4.11x,4.12,4.13x, 4.14x, 4.15x, 4.16x, 4.17x


This add-on is developed and published by Ecarter Technologies Pvt.Ltd., a CS-Cart developer. You are guaranteed a quality add-on supported by future versions.

If you need help,please contact us via email support@ecarter.co.