CS-Cart Product QR Code Generator

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The Product QR Code Generator Addon is a versatile and user-friendly tool that enables users to easily generate QR codes for their products. With this addon, businesses and individuals can create unique QR codes that can be scanned by smartphones or other QR code readers, providing instant access to product information, promotional offers, or any other relevant content.


  • Well integrated with both CS-Cart and CS-Cart Multi-vendor.
  • The addon seamlessly integrates with product databases or inventory systems, allowing users to automatically populate QR codes with relevant product information such as name, description, price, and availability. This eliminates the need to manually input data, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.
  • The addon allows admin to customize the design of their QR codes to align with their product attribute and image size(%) and image padding.
  • CS-Cart
  • CS-Cart Ultimate
  • Multi-Vendor
  • Multi-Vendor PLUS
  • Multi-Vendor Ultimate

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