Cs-Cart Back To Top

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This module allows you to add a ‘Back To Top’ button to your store that makes it easy for visitors to return to the top of a long page.The ‘Back To Top’ Button is a module that can be installed on your store and provides a way for visitors to return to the top of a page after scrolling to explore content. 

When a user has sufficiently scrolled down the page, this helpful button appears to bring them back with a smooth scrolling animation. It is especially convenient on the pages with a lot of content such as product descriptions on the product details pages. Enhance user experience with our Back to Top add-on. Save time of your customers and they will reward you with more purchases!


  • Well-integrated with CS-Cart, CS-Cart Multivendor.
  • Easily styled to match your website’s style.
  • Customizable stripe mode, distance from the top and animation speed.
  • Stylish and convenient Back to Top button.
  • CS-Cart
  • CS-Cart Ultimate
  • Multi-Vendor
  • Multi-Vendor PLUS
  • Multi-Vendor Ultimate

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